How would Macgruber make his
Christmas dinner? Get me a cardboard box, some tin foil, four empty cans and
some wire! A situation may arise where you have no access to conventional
methods of cooking your food and you have to be inventive and tactically sound.
Eating raw or undercooked meat is a death sentence and during times of harsh
realities you do not want to be letting nefarious characters or even wild
animals know where you are and what you are having for dinner. Open fires and
the smell of food being cooked is
I purchased a Saiga 12 about a year ago and decided I would test it out in a variety of ways that I found suitable for my primary home defense shotgun. The Saiga 12 is one of the sexiest shotguns I have ever seen, unfortunately that is all I have to say about the Saiga in a positive manner. There is not much out there in the market for magazine fed shotguns and you have to wonder if it’s for good reason. Why would I need a 20 round drum weighing 10lbs in any scenario that is realistic? If you need that much shotgun ammo you should have grabbed your rifle. This shotgun on average weighs in at 8.5lbs. Throw a 10 round magazine that is about a foot long and weighing about 3lbs and you have one heavy ass gun.